Protect Our Children

This time of year, with many family-centered holidays such as Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, we think of children being a central part of the celebrations - with their excitement, presents, holiday cookies and laughter.

Children are our most precious commodity - our future leaders, storytellers, “wisdom keepers”. And yet they are the most vulnerable members of our communities. Many children in our country, and throughout the Delaware Valley, approach the holidays with sadness, heavy hearts and little hope because for them the holidays are no different than any other day of the year. They experience:

  • Hunger
  • Hate
  • Homelessness
  • Human trafficking
  • Gun violence
  • Bullying
  • Home lives where there is violence in their dwellings
  • Covid/RSV
  • Learning loss due to Covid impacting kids
  • Lack of equity in quality educational resources and institutions of learning

Our foundation, our board of directors, and our grant recipients are community leaders active in their nonprofit agencies and sustainable social action programs that defend and protect the rights of all children.

  • Hunger (Philabundance Summer Hunger program; Trellis For Tomorrow; Jewish Family and Children’s Services)
  • Hate - because we are different (Anti-Defamation League No Place For Hate programs)
  • Human trafficking (Villanova School of Law; Institute To address Commercial Sexual Exploitation)
  • Homelessness (Covenant House)
  • Gun Violence (Northwest Victim Services)
  • Home-lives where there is violence (Congreso de Latinos Unidos; Lutheran Settlement House
  • Bullying (Anti-Defamation League; Southern Poverty Law Center Teaching Tolerance Programs)

Please think of the children by making a donation today.

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Carole Landis Foundation is a registered 501(c) (3) as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.
VOICES FOR CONSCIENCE is a bi-monthly email.
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